Sunday, December 8, 2013

How to read faster, understand better and retain information effectively

Problems why you read slow:

1. Fixation = focusing on one word for too long
2. Regression = repeating to read the whole paragraph or article
3. Subvocalization = audible mental reassurance (reading in your head)

Human Limitations:

Average speed of speaking --> 200 words per minute
Average speed of reading ---> 200 words per minute

How to read faster, understand better and retain information effectively

Speed Reading

- read first paragraph
- read last paragraph
- read the first sentences of each paragraph
- read the whole article
- time yourself --> 1/2 page per minute
- set deadlines, challenge yourself to read the page in lesser times

Concentrate, Focus

- eliminate distractions
- read group of words
- use hand or pen to point and pace while reading

"A picture is worth 1000 words"

- draw mental pictures
- create mental map where the pictures fit into place
- make outlines in case of sequential information
- visualize what is going on while you are reading
- after reading a paragraph, stop, get the main idea and paint mental pictures
- after reading a paragraph, stop, take notes in your own words

Use the SING technique to improve comprehension:

S - stop, get focus
I - identify main idea, main point
N - nevermind the details
G - get the gist

Use the POPCORN method to improve memory retention:

P - Positive attitude
O - Observation
P - Picture
C - Concentrate
O - Organize
R - Review
N - Natural association

Repetition helps in remembering information.

Top 3 most effective ways to retain information:

1. Teaching other people
2. Practice talking
3. Discussion, dialogues

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